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Platform Compatibility

Shifu supports common hardware platforms and operating systems.

Hardware Requirements

Hardware PlatformsSupport

Operating System Requirements

Operating SystemSupport

Protocol Support

Compatible protocols

Currently, Shifu supports the following protocols for interacting with devices.

Incompatible protocols

The microservice architecture of Shifu gives Shifu unparalleled scalability and allows Shifu to be compatible with new protocols very quickly.

If the protocol you are using Shifu is not yet supported, please submit a GitHub Issue and we will support it as soon as possible!

Driver support

Compatible drivers already

Shifu allows users to add the following forms of drivers to the platform:

Incompatible drivers

The microservice architecture of Shifu gives Shifu unparalleled scalability and allows Shifu to be compatible with new drivers very quickly.

If the driver you are using Shifu is not yet supported, please click Submit a GitHub Issue and we will support the protocol as soon as possible!